Speed up your PC: O&O Defrag 22Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! Defrag 22 - ENO&O Software GmbH – Creating Solutions for Windows™: Berlin, Germany, based O&O Software GmbH has been developing tools for Windows since 1997. The most widely known product is O&O Defrag, a defragmentation software for Windows that has set the technical standard time and time again [defragment, fragmentation, windows performance, erase data, recovery, recover data, find old files, data backup image, backuping drive, hard drive disk erase, hd recover]
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