Avast Security Pro for Mac, 1 device 1 YearMalware is not the only threat to your Mac. Your security can also be compromised by malicious websites and vulnerable wireless networks. Avast Security provides basic free protection against three threats. This new Pro version goes one step further and exposes WLAN intruders and puts a stop to ransomware. Avast Security Pro for Mac contents: -Protection against viruses and malware; -Protection from online threats; -WLAN vulnerability scanner; -PRO: Put a stop to WLAN intruders; -PRO: Bolt ransom goods. Avast Essential Business SecurityAvast Essential Business Security schützt Ihr Unternehmen vor Viren, Ransomware, Spyware, Zero-Second-Bedrohungen, Schwachstellen im Wi-Fi-Netzwerk und mehr. Schutz der Geräte. Egal, wo sich Ihre Mitarbeiter aufhalten und was sie online tun, Avast Essential Business Security sorgt für die Sicherheit Ihrer Geräte. Die preisgekrönte Technologie von Avast blockiert gefährliche Websites, stellt sicher, dass alle Dateien und E-Mails frei von Malware sind, verhindert, dass Hacker auf Ihr Gerät zugreifen, und vieles mehr. Datenschutz. Avast Essential Business Security schützt Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Kunden und Ihre persönlichen Daten. Die Firewall- und Netzwerkinspektionstools von Avast blockieren Eindringversuche von Hackern und verhindern, dass sensible Daten die PCs Ihrer Mitarbeiter verlassen. Avast Software bietet umfassenden Schutz und zusätzliche Funktionen: Intelligenter Virenschutz: erkennt und blockiert Viren, Malware, Spyware, Ransomware und Phishing-Programme. CyberCapture: klassifiziert verdächtige Dateien und sendet sie bei Bedarf zur Analyse an ein Virenlabor. WLAN-Scanner: Spürt Schwachstellen im Netzwerk auf. Firewall: blockiert unzuverlässige Verbindungen. Web-Schutz: Blockiert verdächtige Websites E-Mail-Schutz: überprüft alle E-Mails auf Malware. Verhaltensschutz: Erkennt und blockiert verdächtiges Computerverhalten. Echte Website: Schützt vor Hackern, die Sie auf gefälschte Websites locken und Ihre Bankdaten stehlen wollen. Rettungstool: Erstellt ein sauberes Bootmedium mit einem Virenprüfprogramm, das Ihren Computer auf Dinge wie Rootkits untersucht. Avast Premium Business SecurityAvast Premium Business Security kombiniert preisgekrönten Endpunktschutz mit VPN, damit Ihre Mitarbeiter privat und sicher online bleiben. Avast Premium Business Security bringt Ihnen folgenden Schutz Online Verwaltungsplattform: Geräteschutz. Datenschutz. IT-Support. Schutz der Privatsphäre. Webcam-Schutz*. Passwortschutz*. Avast Internet Security 2024Internet Security offers multiple layers of protection to keep you safe and your devices running smoothly. Each of the following advanced features is included in Internet Security software. Keep hackers on the other side of the wall with this essential security feature that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic on your computer. Protect yourself from hackers who want to hijack your Domain Name System (DNS) settings, lure you to fake websites, and steal your banking details. WLAN Inspector automatically detects vulnerabilities in your private WLAN and uninvited guests who have gained access to your network. Detect and block viruses, malware, spyware, ransomware, and phishing. We use intelligent analysis to stop threats even before they can harm you. Detect and block suspicious behavior and provide zero-second protection against unknown threats and ransomware. Don't let ransomware and other untrusted apps modify, delete, or encrypt your photos and files. Avast Premium Security 2024In today's world, effective virus protection is especially important. Reports of hacker attacks are increasing, which requires special protection for sensitive data. Therefore, for personal data to be truly protected, every computer user should buy an antivirus for their system. The Avast Premium Security tool provides the appropriate protection for desktop PCs and mobile devices. Avast Premium Security - detects brute force attacks and prevents them in advance; - detects and fixes known security holes in the operating system; - directly blocks all IP addresses that exploit RDP ports to spread malware. Avast Business AntivirusOptimal end device and server protection for your company. Resource-efficient yet comprehensive, Avast Business Antivirus provides powerful endpoint protection for small and medium-sized businesses around the world. State-of-the-art virus protection from the world's largest network. With 400 million endpoints, combined with unique detection algorithms and a wide range of features, Avast Business Antivirus Pro detects and blocks threats faster and more reliably than other software. Hide My Ass Pro VPN by AvastSurf safely and privately. Secure your connections to public networks and hotspots. Your connection to the network is securely encrypted with HMA. Change your virtual location with ease. HMA runs on all major operating systems, from Windows to Linux and Mac to Android and iOS. *Unlimited devices: you can install HMA on as many devices as you want, but only use active 5 VPN connections at a time. Avast Ultimate Suite 2024Avast Ultimate Suite offers its users a complete protection package with many useful features. Starting from protection against viruses to effective VPN (Virtual Private Network) to surf completely anonymously, Avast Ultimate Suite combines all useful tools. The bundle ensures that all viruses and malicious software are kept away from the computer or even mobile devices. Avast SecureLine VPNIn addition to the complete anonymity of online activities, the networks also offer protection against hacker attacks in public WLAN networks. AVAST VPN products such as the AVAST SecureLine VPN are ideal for absolute protection and completely anonymous surfing. The AVAST SecureLine VPN provides a guaranteed encrypted connection between two networks. All files uploaded and downloaded to the Internet are fully protected and cannot be viewed by third parties. The AVAST VPN encrypts the user's IP address and prevents it from being traced. Anyone who places great value on complete anonymity on the net should buy a VPN as a matter of principle. Avast Business Antivirus Pro PlusAvast Antivirus Pro Plus adds identity protection components such as passwords, SecureLine VPN, browser cleanup, and webcam protection. You get advanced password management, the ability to protect public networks and remove unneeded browser data, and a tool to access your webcam. |