Heroglyph V1 RetailboxHeroglyph V1 Retailbox - proDAD - ultimate digital video effects - Onlineshop. VERSION 1 reduced now (instead of 179 Euro) !!! Trailers, Titles und Composits - in broadcasting quality, exclusive Effects and Designs, direct Implementation in the most important editing solutions, like Adobe Premiere und Premiere PRO, Canopus, Ulead Mediastudio, Sony Vegas Video. Easy to use and with incredible Multi-Videosource-Possibilities - a real enhancement for every editor!
proDAD - ultimate digital video effects | Creative video editing programs and video software: Videobearbeitungsprogramme und Videosoftware von proDAD sind die perfekte Lösung für kreative Videoprojekte. Optimieren und stabilisieren Sie Ihre Videos perfekt! Top-Class Video Stabilization for Pros - Incl. CMOS/Rolling-Shutter Correction! Videostabilization for lower budgets - Image stabilization as standalone versions or plugins. Action video optimization - From GoPro to any other Action camera – make your videos look brilliant! Video effects – Transitions – Titling - Essential Solutions for your creative ideas!
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